Wednesday, September 23, 2009

As A Reminder

I'm 29.

Tonight I am going to the Britney Spears concert. I will dance, sing along and scream like a 12 year old. It will be awesome, because unlike 12 year old girls, I can buy beer.

The tickets were a gift from a group that I work with. As such I will be sitting very close to the stage. I may be able to actually see the lip syncing! The timing could not be better. I need some splashy, ridiculous fun dammit. I'm thinking tonight will deliver.

Maturity is overrated. Viva le pop concert!


Maryann said...

I went to her concer this past weekend and LOVED it. She only sang 2 songs live but it was worth it. Have Fun!

gamerbri said...

M, go have fun get drunk and enjoy the damn night. As a matter of fact you have a couple of beers for me. wish I was there also. Hell I want fun.