Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I am a creature of habit. An extreme creature of habit. I have a routine I follow in the morning when I am not yet fully awake/human. When the routine is in any way altered it throws everything off. It's as though I have been spun around 100 times and then asked to walk a straight line. It's super fun. But without this routine I literally could not function and would be even less of a morning person than I already am. Roommates in college knew not to speak to me for at least an hour or they would be met with death glare, level 4. It's not pretty. But I digress...

This morning I was getting ready when my blackberry rang with a work question. I was forced to speak, look up an answer and make my brain function. Hello wrench, meet carefully constructed plan. The 2 minute call resulted in me getting in my car and wondering why things were blurry. I started to pull out when I realized I had forgotten my glasses. And my purse. And was wearing my pajama top.

Seriously kids, I'm a winner. A winner in, ironically, an 'it's not my job mon' tee shirt.


gamerbri said...

but how much more fun would it have been for you to get all the way to work and still be in your pajamas? lol

Broke But Still Drinking said...

A similar thing happened to me. I woke, answered the phone and started driving to work. Then I realized I didn't have a job, or car, so why was I driving to work?

kel said...

Did said t-shirt come with any special herbs, and if so, where can I get one?