Last night the boy and I went to see a show called
Mortified. If you haven't heard of it or seen it I can not recommend it highly enough. It's hilarious. In short, the show features people reading from their childhood diaries. It changes each show. My favoritelast night? A girl who was a born again Christian at 12 and wrote a song about Jesus to convert her BFF so as to save her from eternal damnation. The best line of the song was 'God made Adam with a pleasurable mouth'. Ah, classy.
It did remind me a lot of my youth. I know, you'll all be very shocked to learn I was not cool. Pick your jaws up off the floor. I actually looked like the human QTip, an excellent look I assure you. I had white blonde hair which my mom insisted on keeping short and permed. Who's a looker? Meghan is. I was also really, really into books and chubby. If that doesn't spell most popular kid in school I don't know what does.
Afterwards we stopped by the drug store to pick up a few odds and ends. Here's the deal, I am a sucker for advertising. As such I purchased the new prescription strength deodorant. I figured, hey, it's summer and warm, who doesn't need a little extra help? The deodorant came with instructions. This was the first cause for concern. Apparently you need to apply it at night so that it soaks in. So, I did. That powdery fresh scent you caught about 11PM? That was me. Seriously people in Uganda can smell me at this moment. I am pungent. I of course, being calm and rational 100% of the time, flapped my arms around and ran in a small circle. I finally collapsed and the boy and I fell asleep noses buried in our pillows hoping to escape my new Secret. Oh and no, it doesn't wash off. It's there for the next 24 hours. MINIMUM.
On a side note, I am sleepy. I am but a wee, delicate flower and if someone in Burbank sneezes I am up for the rest of the night. It's super fun being me.
Side note number 2, I read Harry Potter 7...twice. I am like one step away from dressing up in costume and wearing it to work. Sad, sad little life, but it's all mine. Jealous?