Monday, February 18, 2008

A New Discovery

I have decided it's time for my lazy ass to get back to the gym. This lead me to today's discovery: apparently if you don't go to the gym for, oh, roughly 1.5 years, you will get really, really, really out of shape. I hurt. And am very tired. After a work out that used to be my warm up.

I heeded my direct message from God all weekend and I sat my ass down and I ate-ith of the Cheetos. They got me through. Now it's time to pay for this. So excuse me while I hobble off and take a nap. Stupid elliptical machine with it's stupid pedals.

Oh, side note: Step Up 2 the Streets is my new guilty pleasure. It's fantastic. Kudos to any movie that can work in a Funyon reference. And have a dance in the rain sequence. Here's a tip from me to you, it's even better after half a bottle of wine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally feel you. i used to run 6 miles easily and feel like i needed a more intense workout. yesterday i ran two miles (after almost a year off) and i can barely move today....