Tuesday, November 04, 2008


This morning I stood in line to vote at 7AM... two people in front of Fred Savage. Mr. Wonder Years did not seem happy to be up early and was rather cranky. I don't think Kevin would have behaved like that, Fred, so buck up. I also stood behind a woman who was 85 if she was a day. In one hand she had her cane and in the other was a list of all the props and how she was going to vote. In very neat handwriting next to Prop 8 she wrote NO and underlined it. I wanted to hug the stuffing out of her but refrained as well, I didn't want to hurt her. She was wee.

And on another note, I have been nominated again for humor blog. So do me a favor and vote? I am uber-competitive (no...you don't say!) and although I know I won't come anywhere near winning I would like to finish out of the bottom 200. Word.


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